Contrast-induced nephropathy in percutaneous coronary intervention: Clinical case report




contrast nephropathy, dialysis, kidney injury, percutaneous coronary intervention


Contrast-induced nephropathy (CIN) is the third leading cause of in-hospital acute kidney injury. Although most cases are self-limiting and renal function returns to normal within 1-3 weeks, short-term or long-term complications such as chronic renal failure, the need for dialysis therapy, and even death. Here we present a case of a patient with ischemic heart disease, valvular injury who underwent percutaneous coronary intervention. It was concluded that the preventive measures that have shown greater effectiveness are: intravascular volume expansion (hydration), withdrawal of nephrotoxic drugs and determining that the contrast medium is of low osmolarity.

Author Biography

  • Danny Silva, University of Guayaquil

    Medico Especialista en Medina Interna, Jefe área de Emergencias en el Hospital Clínica Guayaquil, Ecuador.


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Case reports

How to Cite

Contrast-induced nephropathy in percutaneous coronary intervention: Clinical case report. (2022). Revista Acciones Médicas, 1(4), 49-58.

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