Implementation of a virtual sign language course for students of the labor technician for early childhood care skills
sign language, curricular design, didactic strategies, study plan, hearing disabilityAbstract
In the department of Boyacá, specifically in Tunja, there is the Cenis Institute of Colombia, which has been training professionals in technical careers for 21 years, offering non-formal education services through Labor Technicians by Skills. In this context, there is a need to strengthen the curriculum by providing an inclusive training opportunity which allows students in training to acquire comprehensive job skills to address the population with disabilities. Through this research, we are going to demonstrate the need that presents the institution regarding the prioritization of implementing a course in Colombian Sign Language, so that the 70 students of the labor technician for early childhood care competencies are trained and in this way the curriculum of the inclusion module is strengthened with the implementation of the virtual sign language course; as educators, we must face the challenges of education in the 21st century in our country; so we have the possibility of designing transformative pedagogical proposals and making use of methods such as participatory action research, which allows us to carry out specific exercises of social immersion, investigating and investigating different contexts which present needs that require to be transformed immediately and at the same time. efficient use of information collection instruments such as surveys and interviews, a critical analysis of the results can be carried out and a proposal according to the needs of the students can be offered, likewise a first step will be taken so that the cenis institute can become an inclusive and inclusive educational institution that offers quality education to the population with disabilities, opening the doors to innovation and curricular flexibility.
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Copyright (c) 2022 Shirley Rativa, Nelcy Sandoval
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