Takotsubo heart disease in a critical patient. Case report





Takotsubo, acute myocardial infarction, sepsis


Takotsubo cardiomyopathy is a pathology known as broken heart syndrome. It is characterized as heart failure associated with contractile dysfunction of the left ventricle that resembles acute myocardial infarction with its characteristics of precordial pain, enzyme elevation, changes in electrocardiogram with the difference that coronary arteries free of obstruction are observed in angiography. There are several disenchant factors, from physical exertion to sepsis. The case of a female patient with a history of cancer who presented a clinical picture of urinary sepsis was presented. With complementary treatment with ACE inhibitors, beta-blockers, anticoagulation, the patient was discharged in stable condition.

Author Biographies

  • Danny Silva, University of Guayaquil

    Médico Especialista en Medicina Interna, Jefe área de Emergencias en el Hospital Clínica Guayaquil, Ecuador.

  • Christian Ordoñez , Universidad de Especialidades Espíritu Santo

    Médico posgradista Residentes del Servicio de Cuidados intensivos Hospital Clínica Guayaquil, Ecuador.

  • Paula Olivos, Universidad de Especialidades Espíritu Santo

    Médico posgradista Residentes del Servicio de Cuidados intensivos Hospital Clínica San Francisco, Ecuador.

  • Carlos Loor, Universidad de Especialidades Espíritu Santo

    Médico posgradista Residentes del Servicio de Cuidados intensivos Hospital Clínica Guayaquil, Ecuador.

  • Carlos Martinez, University of Guayaquil

    Médico Residente del área de Cuidados Críticos, Hospital Clínica de Guayaquil, Ecuador.


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Case reports

How to Cite

Takotsubo heart disease in a critical patient. Case report. (2022). Revista Acciones Médicas, 1(2), 85-94. https://doi.org/10.35622/j.ram.2022.02.006

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