Microbiological analysis of the emollient dispensed on an outpatient basis and its relationship with the sanitary hygiene of dispensers in a Peruvian population





emollient, ETAs, enterobacteria, contamination, microorganisms


The purpose of this study was to analyze the microbiological content of the emollient dispensed in the city of Puno and determine if there is a relationship with the sanitary hygiene of the dispensers, such as: The Terrestrial terminal, Zonal terminal, Laykakota market, Union and Dignity market, Bellavista market, Central market and surrounding places. The methods used in the investigation were based on the Sanitary Directive No. 032.MINSA/DIGESA for the sampling and reception of the sample. Through microbiological analysis, the following were determined: mesophilic aerobes, molds and yeasts, as a health indicator and the presence of Escherichia Coli and enterobacteria as pathogens; The presence of these microorganisms made it possible to determine whether or not this beverage is suitable for human consumption through the Sanitary Standard that establishes Microbiological Criteria for Sanitary Quality and Safety for Food and Beverages for Human Consumption NTS N°071-MINSA/DIGESA-V. 01 and Sanitary Standard on Microbiological Criteria for Sanitary Quality and Safety for Food and Beverages for Human Consumption N°007-98-SA. Sanitary and hygienic conditions were evaluated by means of the card for sanitary evaluation of ambulatory beverage sales positions (emollient) that allowed to determine the sanitary conditions in which the ambulatory carts that sell this beverage are found, the ingredients that are used in the preparation of the emollient, a survey was also applied to the vendors that allowed measuring the level of knowledge about good food handling practices (BPM).

Author Biographies

  • Juana Peñaranda, Universidad Nacional del Altiplano

    Licenciada en Nutrición humana por la Universidad Nacional del Altiplano, Puno - Perú.

  • Sheyla Cervantes, Universidad Nacional del Altiplano

    Doctora en Ciencias de la Salud, Magister en Salud Pública, especialista en promoción de la Salud, de la Universidad Nacional del Altiplano. Cirujano dentista certificada por el Colegio Odontológico con estudios de segunda especialidad y posgrado en Dirección en servicios de Salud, Odontopediatría, Didáctica Universitaria, Radiología maxilofacial de Universidades licenciadas del Perú, Ex Perito Odontólogo del distrito Judicial de Puno; con capacitaciones permanentes. Docente de la Universidad Nacional del Altiplano a tiempo completo, investigadora con publicaciones en el área y autora de textos universitarios referidos a la Salud Pública, Farmacología y Terapéutica, Responsabilidad Social Universitaria con permanente ejercicio privado de la profesión en el manejo clínico del paciente.


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How to Cite

Peñaranda, J., Begazo, J., Viza, A., & Cervantes, S. (2022). Microbiological analysis of the emollient dispensed on an outpatient basis and its relationship with the sanitary hygiene of dispensers in a Peruvian population. Revista Acciones Médicas, 1(3), 43-52. https://doi.org/10.35622/j.ram.2022.03.004

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